Thursday, August 29, 2013

Free at the beach!

Reminiscing of great times in the summer, this shoot captures the feeling perfectly.  Free and fun at the beach.  I took a few girls out and just gave them a little direction and really worked on just capturing what happened.  It was me and my camera and 3 girls and some props.  We had great fun and captured some simple shots.  I ran into one of the girls this week and she asked if we could go out and do it again. I thought that was a true testament to a happy shoot!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gaining Momentum

As summer draws to a close I’ve been reflecting on the recent months and look towards the following year with great anticipation.


  Saying goodbye to summer, I can't gain momentum in a sandal

Over the past few months “what am I doing for the future?” has been moving through my mind. This is not a question demanding an answer, it’s a question that demands action. Beginning in September I'll have two days a week that will remain ‘free’ for clients, an intern aiding me with a variety of tasks and a month of booked shoots.